Bradesco, Renault, Puma, Vanish, Harpic, Jontex, 99, Coca-Cola, Fanta, Sprite, Kuat, Warner, IAS, 3M, Scania, Microsoft, Veja, Olla, SBP, LO'R, Pilão, Livelo, Alelo, Veloe, Pfizer, Luftal, Abbott, AstraZeneca, Astellas, Bayer, outros.

Cannes, Clio, New York Festival, WAVE Festival, Lisbon Health Awards, The RX Club New York, IPA Best of Health (London), APP, Archive, Young Lions.
Tiago Moraes
→ +55 19 9 9710.7099
Fabio Dread
→ +55 19 9 8184.4170